I'm deviating from normal content to scratch an itch that has been bugging me for a while.
What the hell is going on with these mysterious objects in the sky on the East Coast?
As a writer, I believe that plot is the result of asking questions about your characters. I can reverse engineer this process in this case by asking some pointed questions.
This is clearly not a couple of teenagers operating out of a garage.
They are large aircraft that appear to have fixed wings.
There are dozens of them
They have evasion capabilities.
This raises several questions.
The size, complexity, and numbers suggests significant cost. Who could pay to build and operate them? That suggests either a large commercial entity or a government. If it were a foreign government I think we would see evidence of counter military activity: jets being scrambled, monitoring teams on the ground, naval warships off the coast. This is a home grown phenomena.
Where do they go during the day? They must have some kind of staging/storage area.
If these are not government vehicles, are we supposed to believe that the government hasn't been able to track them back to their base? This has been going on for weeks, haven't flight patterns been established?
If the government doesn't know where these are coming from and what their purpose is, how can they say they pose no threat?
Why is the government reverting back to the old Project Bluebook playbook and dismissing most sightings as commercial jets, helicopters, stars, or camera effects? What no swamp gas?
I get that our leaders don't want to panic the population but they sure seem awfully nonplussed by all of this. We are supposed to simultaneously believe that they don't know what they are and where they come from but we have nothing to fear. That just is completely illogical. To accept that, we would have to either believe they are lying to us or that they are idiots and they are covering their asses. Neither option inspires confidence.
What do I think is going on?
If this was a rogue commercial operation I don't believe the U.S. government would just stand by apathetically. That would also be incredibly reckless; imagine if one of these struck a passenger airliner, the lawsuits would be crippling. The only way this could be a commercial operation is if the company was in league with the government.
Just as the American Civil War predicted the impact of new technology on war, the War in Ukraine is testing and developing the new war fighting tech: drone warfare. Both sides have reams of data to analyze on the effectiveness of various strategies and technology. The U.S. Military must evaluate and prepare for any possible threat posed by drones.
What if this is an elaborate war game, fought by the Pentagon? The Red Team is flying these drones, probing our weaknesses, trying out strategies and tactics, while the Blue Team is running computer simulations and counter tactics in response. The results could drive our future military plans and budgets.
If this was so, why would the government lie about it? Because that's what they do. The Deep State/Military Industrial Complex has been covering up their activities and lying to the public since they were formed in the 1940s. You don't have to believe in conspiracy theories to accept this, just read the history books. It requires a greater level of blind credulity to think the U.S. Government's hands are clean than to understand they interfere in elections, overthrow governments, and start wars. And routinely lie to the public.
The most charitable shading is that they are lying to prevent a panic about waves of Chinese drones headed for America. That's no better. We deserve the truth.
If I'm wrong, then I can't wait to hear the real explanation. It has to be a doozy.